We are honored to be a sponsor for the Drive It to Slovakia golf tournament on Monday, April 13, 2015 at Brookstone Golf & Country Club in Acworth.
Proceeds from the tournament will support two teams from Vertical Life Church visiting two different cities in Slovakia to teach conversational English at youth camps with a focus on building relationships. Why? The high school-aged students in Slovakia are the first generation in many years to NOT grow up under a Communist regime. Their parents had life decided for them, but these students are among the first in their country to grow up in a free society. Learning to speak conversational English with people who can encourage them will give these students not only the opportunity but also a reason to change their futures and better their society. Please join us in helping these students fulfill the potential that has been given to them.
This fun-filled event includes breakfast, Awards luncheon, on course contests, raffle prizes and a fun day of golf! For more information on the event contact: Rochet Rye at [email protected].