Aimee Copeland. You may not remember the name but you certainly remember her story. During the summer of 2012, this young woman’s brave battle against a flesh-eating bacteria caught the nation’s attention and captured our hearts. After doctors were forced to amputate her leg, foot and both hands, Aimee’s faith and resolve to overcome her injuries and adjust to her new “normal” have been an inspiration to all who know her.
Aimee continues to amaze those around her, working on her second master’s degree in social work and recently moving out of her parents’ home to live on her own. Our Director of Architecture, Tom Morgan, has been working with Aimee to help her design a barrier free addition to her new home. Like most houses, Aimee’s newly purchased home in a redeveloping area of downtown Atlanta required substantial modifications to make it accessible.
During the renovation process, several of the design and construction team members were so inspired by Aimee’s positive attitude, that they have taken it upon themselves, by no request from Aimee, to support her success by providing their time and or materials at a reduced price or no cost.
When MRP Design Group reached out to our connections and friends, we were humbled by the generous support from those who felt led to offer their time and expertise to support Aimee. In particular, Ryan Barnes with Harry Warren of Georgia approached his contacts at American Standard. They were so impressed by Aimee’s story they immediately offered to provide upwards of $14,000 of specialty fixtures to her at no cost.
We at MRP Design Group are honored to work with such generous individuals and commend them for their gracious gifts of time and resources to help Aimee maintain her independence.
In addition to the considerable donation by American Standard, others who have felt led to give of their resources for Aimee’s addition include: Thomas E. Morgan, Jr – Architect, MRP Design Group – Consulting, Thomas J. Wiener – Structural Engineer, Keith Hawkins – General Contractor, and Bob Casteel – Health Care Contractor, The Bradley Corporation – Grab Bars, Comfort Designs – Padded Shower Seat.