She is DONE!
The MRP Design Group promotions car is finally complete. After 26 years of waiting, the Shelby clone has been brought back to life. We picked up the restored vehicle on Friday, February 23rd, marking the end of its 18 month restoration. Despite needing a few minor touch ups and tweaks, the Mustang is driving better than ever. The added safety and comfort features including power steering, power front disk brakes, and air conditioning, will certainly come in handy as she takes to the open road. The motor seems much louder than remembered but perhaps that is the difference between a 1960’s muscle car and what most people drive today.
The next phase of this car’s life will be dedicated to local car shows and get-togethers. This should allow MRP Design Group to gain exposure and hopefully new clients with a common interest. If you have a car that you would like to show in a very comfortable and casual manner, MRP will be hosting some Saturday afternoon shows where local car enthusiasts can gather to display their vehicles and talk shop about older cars and parts. Please contact Ken Dalton at 770-917-9172 ext.104 or [email protected] for more details.
Thank you for following our blog during this exciting project and be sure to check back as we will be posting updates on show activities from time to time.
Happy driving,